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Quick Start Guide - Page 2

by Don Williams last modified Nov 26, 2007 03:31 AM

More of the Quick Start Guide


Within a performer area, in addition to being able to add textual content (by choosing the "edit" tab, you can add a number of other types of content by selecting an item from the "add to folder" pull-down menu. The choice available to you are:

File - any sort of electronic file, including images of scanned documents. An example on this site can be found here.

Page - a page of text similar to what you are reading, created and edited in a similar manner to the Performer page itself. The best use of this is if your account of Traynor's is lengthy (a good thing !), then rather than have a very long single page  view in the browser, you may want to split it over several pages, similar to what has been done with the user guide you are reading this in. At the end of each page, simply link a word or phrase to the next or previous page using the link function (the chain link symbol in the word processor you get after choosing"edit").

Photo Album - the place to add one or more photos in a structured way. Full details on how to create an album are here.

Recordings - the place to put details of recordings from the era, including one or more audio tracks from the album, which visitors to the site can listen to. Details for adding recordings can be found here.


If you are writing the account of a Group, it is useful to create initially, as a minimum, entries for each member of the group in the Performers area. Then, when you create the group, you will find that the members of the group appear in a scrollable window listing all performers in the database. The performers for the group can be selected from this list, and they will then appear in the Group page when it is created. The application also automatically creates a Group entry in each of the relevant performer pages.

As you normally will not be able to create entries for Performers, contact the Project Administrator to have the Performer entries created for you.












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Copyright 2024, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. admin. (2007, February 28). Quick Start Guide - Page 2. Retrieved October 23, 2024, from Traynors Web site: All Rights Reserved.